Isla Surf School

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5 At Home Exercises to Help With Your Surfing

Being stuck at home, doesn’t mean you can’t improve upon your surfing skills. While the best practice is obviously on the water, there are many at home sports and exercises you can do to make you a better surfer. Here are five at home sports and exercises to help with your surfing.

1. Yoga

While surfing is a great mental escape, it doesn’t have to be your only mental escape. Yoga is great for not only reducing stress and increasing mindfulness, but also for mobility and flexibility. Yoga helps with core strength and balance, both key components to surfing.

The good news is yoga can be done from just about everywhere. There are tons of free yoga videos available on YouTube. Below is a good 30 minute yoga class for surfers.

2. Running

Let’s be honest, running is a great exercise to improve in just about any sport, surfing is no exception. Surfing requires a lot of endurance and cardiovascular strength, especially when paddling. Running is a great way to build that cardiovascular strength and requires no equipment, no videos, no coaches, just you and a good pair of tennis shoes. You don’t have to start out running a 5k. Start small, and build your way up.

3. Functional Fitness

Functional fitness is a good way to diversify your training and build your strength. Simply Googling “Functional Fitness At Home Workouts” will bring you a plethora of results that you can do at home. Functional fitness relies heavily on bodyweight movements. These movements include pushups, burpees, air squats, lunges, and sit ups among many others. If you have odd objects lying around your house, you can use these as well. Some common household objects that make for great workout equipment include a book bag with books or heavy objects in it, broomsticks, or any heavy container with a handle (water jugs, milk jugs, cat litter, etc)., The sky is truly the limit as to what equipment you can use for your functional fitness workouts.

Here is a good at home functional fitness workout.

4. Cycling

If running isn’t your thing, or you are looking for a little lower impact cardio training, hop on your bike and go for a ride. This is a great way to not only get some fresh air, but also build your endurance. For those who truly love cycling and spinning, you can invest in a spin bike, like a Peloton and stream cycling workouts from your living room.

5. Barre/Pilates

You may think this is odd, and many guys probably aren’t going to instantly jump on barre and pilates, but give it a shot. Barre and pilates are a good, low impact, way to isolate certain muscle groups and build strength. You will be amazed with the burn you feel after a barre or pilates class. What better way to try it out too, than in the comfort of your own home where it is a complete “judgement free zone”? You can stream many barre and pilates workouts on YouTube. Below is a good barre workout.