Isla Surf School

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When Will Summer Come to Folly Beach?

Winter Storm Riley Puts A Pause on Summer in Charleston

A week ago it was 80 degrees and sunny everyday in Charleston, lessons were in full swing, Folly Beach looked like the fourth of July, and then Winter Storm Riley ruined everything! Just like that temps dropped into the thirties the wind howled from the north and summertime seemed a thousand miles away. I guess the silver lining is we did not get slammed by massive surf that would have destroyed our beaches and low lying communities. 

Now that Riley has passed, our sights are back on summertime weather. It is looking like a beautiful Saturday for some surf lessons and then a brisk week followed by a another beautiful weekend. We're keeping our fingers crossed!  Even though it has been frigid, we have had some amazing people visiting Folly Beach take surf lessons with us. They braved the cold and caught some awesome waves which was so fun to be a part of. Although we enjoy people pushing their limits in cold and windy weather, we would much rather have warm and sunny days for our clients. 

A beautiful sunrise at the Folly Beach Pier. 

Summer Surf Camp Update:

We have had a lot of summer camp registrations over the past two weeks and want to make sure everyone who is interested reserves a spot before the camps fill out. We offer the smallest summer surf camps with the best camper to instructor ratio (3:1) on Folly Beach, but because of our smaller camps, they tend to fill out very quickly. Make sure to secure your spot today by registering here.