Isla Surf School

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10 Reasons to Start Surfing in Charleston Today

We are living through unprecedented & crazy times. Smothered with negative news on an hourly basis, which can take a real toll on your mental state. It has been a stressful two months and everyone could use a productive and positive outlet. Surfing is the grounding force in our lives and the one thing that we can depend on consistently for mental wellness and for fun. We could not imagine our lives without this amazing activity which is why we are so passionate about spreading the joy and our knowledge with our customers. We are firm believers that there is no better time than now to learn how to surf. Here are our 10 reasons why you should become a surfer this summer.

  1. Weather & Ocean Conditions: here in Charleston we are officially out of wetsuits. Cold water and wetsuits can be intimidating. No need to worry, we will be in board shorts and bikinis until late fall! Summer is also an ideal time to learn because the waves are very user friendly and consistent. The weather and wave combo of summer makes it an ideal time to learn and invest as much time as you can spare so come fall you are ready for some more challenging conditions.

  2. Surfing is Dependable: we live in unknown times and nothing is guaranteed. People, organizations, governments will let you down, but as long as you have a surfboard and access to the beach, surfing will always be there for you.

  3. Mental Health: the ocean and the act of surfing is a fantastic way to clear your mind, to get away from the craziness of day to day life, and to get back the basics of having fun.

  4. Great Exercise: you will not find a better workout than surfing. You will work every muscle in your body while having fun.

  5. Make Friends: the majority of people in the line up are super friendly and open to sharing advice, spots, and tips. You’ll find making friends is easy and developing a crew you surf with everyday is one of the most rewarding aspects of our sport.

  6. Surfing is Flexible: you can surf on your own time. This doesn’t mean you will always get the right conditions, but the waves and ocean are waiting for you before work, after work, and anytime.

  7. Surfing is a lifelong pursuit: Just like most sports, surfing is a life long pursuit. There is always room to improve and to learn. However; unlike running, tennis, basketball, some forms of surfing (long boarding & fun boarding) are very low impact and allow for some serious longevity. Look around the line up, you will see all ages and walks of life.

  8. Charleston is a great surf town: being a surfer in Charleston is amazing. We have a vibrant and fun city with access to a bunch of great beach islands. Folly Beach is the mecca of South Carolina surfing and is where we are located. The water and air are warm and we hardly ever need serious rubber. We do not have consistent world class waves, but when it is gets good, it’s as fun as any wave we have surfed. On top of that we are situated nicely between consistent and powerful breaks in North Carolina and Florida.

  9. Surfing is Humbling: just when you think you’ve mastered it, a wave will put you right back in your place. It is a constant learning process and mother nature will always win, but that’s part of why it is so fun.

  10. Surfing is fun!